Up up and away

I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to food blogs & magazines. There's a whole list of sites in my bookmarks that I visit at least daily. So, if you are done with Veggienista, how about you try one of these places! They all feature either vegan or vegetarian recipes & tips.

From Holland
Plantaardig Maandag
De Vegetariƫr
The Fruit Pursuit (in english)
De Plantaardige Keuken
Mam, wat eten we vandaag?
Veggierose (Lisette Kreischer)
Happy Herbi
Wat maakt Suzette nu?
TofuParty (in english)

From far, far away
VegNews Magazine
Healthy Bitch Daily
The Kind Life (Alicia Silverstone)
Oh She Glows
My New Roots
Green Kitchen Stories
Epicurean Vegan
Post Punk Kitchen
FatFree Vegan Kitchen
Please Pass The Tofu